10 Greatest Toys & Gifts for 4 Year Old Girls in 2018 -- Educational & Fun

Are you searching for the ideal gift for a 4 year old woman? It can be tough to know exactly what toys and gifts are right for her. We know you want to give her something that's not fairly inexpensive, and only enjoyable, but good for her development. Fortunately, Smart Parenting Blog has done the study and gathered the 10 best toys for 4 year old women which are both educational and fun. They've given us a preview of their list below.

Scroll down to the list preview if you're short on time. Read on to learn that factored into the Smart Parenting ranks.

4-Year-Old Developmental Milestones

Welcome to the year of "why?" It may help you stockpile patience to know that this is an normal, and important developmental milestone. Shows and her curiosity she's building a vocabulary of over 1,000 words and using sentences that combine more than one thought.

At an explosive pace, your woman's language skills are developing at 4. She'll be able to make up goofy words and stories, rhyme, and sing silly songs. You will probably also notice that she can pronounce most sounds correctly -- but maybe not too much s, w, and r sounds -- follow simple, unrelated instructions, and ask you the meaning of unfamiliar words. When she and you vehemently argue though her argument is illogical, and try not to laugh at the cuteness! It's an important skill that as she grows she is learning and will enable her to reason and question.

Your 4-year-old girl will now, sometime before her 5th birthday, have the ability to understand abstract ideas like larger , less, later, past , and shortly and know the difference between real and make believe. She can think in logical steps, focus on a task for 10 to 15 minutes at a time, and see the outcome of an action.

And those motor skills that she is working on? She skip, jump over objects and scale playground ladders, pedal and steer a tricycle or bike, do somersaults and log rolls, and can still throw and bounce a ball and trot while 4-year-old boys may pull ahead in this area. With a little encouragement and opportunity -- even though she really loves pretending or painting or puzzles -- she could soon break even with those boys, and possibly even outdo them!

The year's most enjoyable part will watch her hit her social and emotional milestones. Bear in mind that she'll start telling small lies to get out of trouble, although she knows it is wrong, and do or say things she shouldn't just to find out what your reaction will be. And grab a Kleenex because you'll need it when she strives to be useful, cooperates, shares, and takes turns with other people -- especially when she plays the exact games over and over and discovers an imaginary friend. Most of all, enjoy your belly laughs as she laughs herself silly and tells jokes!

Bear in mind, however, that all children are different. They all do it and on their own terms Though your girl should eventually hit on these milestones. They all have different interests and talents that will manifest at different times. Sit back and relax and revel in the process knowing that you've given her the best chance by choosing the best toys for joy and her development at developing. Continue reading and select your favorites to buy your girl. And do not forget to jump in and join her fun!

Top Educational Toys & Gifts for 4 Year Old Girls Preview

1. Flybar My First Foam Pogo Jumper

Watch as she masters abilities like balance, hand-eye coordination, and strength, and listen as she giggles relentlessly at the squeaking sound the foam makes each time she lands on it. What better way to promote a physical lifestyle as allowing old endless fun's freedom?

Among the toys of the year, this $17 jumper is a simple take on the pogo stick you loved -- even if you never did master it. Remember trying to beat your count until you fell over? This junior version made with a soft durable foam foundation, strong stretchy bungee"spring," and soft comfortable foam grip handles is great for any surface and will give her the skills and confidence to one day graduate to the big Pogo stick -- or merely to keep enjoying physical activity.

Buy for $16.99 on Amazon

2. Fisher-Price Little People Surprise & Sounds Home

Your 4-year-old girl loves to mimic what she sees, and she loves to play pretend since she understands the difference between real and make believe. Now she can play out scenarios -- by herself or with her imaginary friend(s) -- with this $45 fold-up house that includes mom, dad, and daughter characters and interactive additions such as the push-in alarm clock that pops the girl out of bed because it rings and the bluebird you slide to see the kitty pop up in the window on one side -- and what the weather's like on the other! Fun phrases, all of the lights, and 4 songs will hold her attention for hours.

Younger kids love this 5-star toy too, and so do older kids -- even mom, dad, grandma, and grandpa! No one ever gets tired of this alarm clock that pushes on the characters from bed or the toilet!

Buy for $34.99 on Amazon

3. Fisher-Price Barbie Tough Trike

The age of 4 is the perfect age for her to enjoy learning how to ride a bike like this. Your girl will delight at the freedom and speed as she rides this up and down the sidewalk or drive she discovers while older kids start to ride bikes that are larger and lose their hands of the skill necessary to ride like this!

She can improve those pedalling and steering abilities along with her physical activity level as you breathe easy knowing you just spent $30!

Buy for $29.99 on Amazon

4. Squigz by Fat Brain Toys

Simple name! This attractive set of suction-cup balls will fascinate her for hours! Squigz will help her develop her creativity, fine motor skills, interaction, and experimentation everywhere: a table, floor, tub, wall, window, anyplace that has a flat surface. And these suckers (literally!) Gravity when leaving no trace that they were ever there. She can make any form or creature she can think up, and when she is done, she will laugh and laugh in the pop! Sound they make as she takes them apart. At $28 for the set, you may find yourself losing some time creating too!

Buy for $24.95 on Amazon

5. Melissa & Doug Sweet Hearts and Butterfly Friends Bead Set of 2 -- 250+ Wooden Beads

You'll definitely be getting great bang for your buck with this toy that will encourage her stringing, patterning, and designing skills, develop her fine motor skills, cognitive skills, and social abilities. Stringing beads also needs a pincer grasp, which she will need to learn before going on to being able to attain the grip she will be growing so she can learn to write using a pencil and crayon that is thinner.

The 250 wooden, painted beads and can make endless combinations of necklaces that she will love to display and 5 strings are just the right size for her hands. And when she tires of the kit, Doug & Melissa have more string bead sets, large and small!

Purchase for $17.19 on Amazon

If you enjoyed the preview and wish to find out, check out the entire list of the best toys for 4 year old girls on the Smart Parenting Blog. Please tell us if you believe any toys were overlooked.

10 Top Toys & Gift Ideas for 3 Year Old Girls

Is there a woman in your life that may use a toy that's not just fun, but also developmentally stimulating? With so much choice, and change in your little 3 year old, it cann be tough to know what gift is right. Luckily, Smart Parenting website has pulled together a top 10 list of the best educational toys & gifts for 3 year old girls. We have a preview of the listing below.

Scroll down to the toy list preview below if you're short on time. Take a minute to learn about the developmental milestones that are key 3 year old women are expected to achieve that factored into the Smart Parenting rankings.

3 Year-old Developmental Milestones

Your 3 year old has graduated from toddlerhood and is becoming skillful on every front. Her fine motor skills are improving, allowing her to play with toys which have moving parts and buttons. She's becoming more and more talkative, and asking plenty of questions --"why" being a big one.

Physically three-year-old women are working on using their hands and feet . They may learn to draw a circle using a crayon. Run without tripping, jump, hop and they improve their motor skills and begin to walk, stand on one foot, and also walk backwards. They have the ability to climb stairs one foot at a time, throw and kick a ball, and catch bigger ones.

Cognitively three-year-olds are developing their creativity, memory, and problem solving abilities, all while learning more and more about the world. They may be able to name the colors in a box of crayons, count to 10 and have a basic comprehension of time. They can also follow directions. Toys that introduce colors, shapes, numbers, and letters are important.

At 3 years old, your little one's language abilities are advancing in ways. Three-year-olds will be able to talk clearly enough that they can be understood by strangers and also have 2-3 sentence talks. While they do make a great deal of mistakes, they have a basic comprehension of grammar. And you'll notice their vocabulary expanding daily.

Emotionally and socially they are now able to show an assortment of emotions apart from sad and simply happy and show an interest in playing with other kids. They show concern for a miserable friend and might be interested in things and new places.

With these aspects that are developmental in mind, enjoy this list of 10 toys that are developmentally and fun enriching to your 3 year old girl.

Top Educational Toys & Gifts for 3 Year Old Girls Preview

1. LeapFrog My Own Leaptop

This highly rated pink laptop set will help your three-year-old beginning to recognize letters and animals. She'll be drawn to the small moving parts and buttons, and will find a kick out of typing away just like her dad and mom. You can configure the Leaptop to teach her how to spell her name. The buttons and activities are designed for a three year olds development and dexterity.

Purchase for $24.99 on Amazon

2. Gymnic Rody Horse Gymnastics Equipment

Your girl is currently exploding with energy. Give this cute bouncy horse toy to her. It gets gross motor control and her developing and active strength. She'll be overjoyed pretending to ride a horsey. This toy is the modern, secure, equivalent of the old rocking horse toy. Note, check old. Bigger sizes are offered by gymnic, but they're a little more expensive.

Purchase for $49.94 on Amazon

3. Smart Wallaby Musical Instruments Set

Play can be a large portion of the day of a 3-year-old girl. Give her the opportunity to learn about rhythm as she investigates the musical instruments in this set and timbre.

Giving a child a tool set like this is magical. Whilst enhancing cognitive abilities and her fine motor control, your girl will experience a lot of stimulation.

Purchase for $31.99 on Amazon

4. Merax No Pedal Balance Bike for Kids

Keep your toddler active with the Merax No Pedal Balance Bike Walking Bicycle. Your three-year-old is currently working on her gross motor skills including running, walking and leaping. You'll need something for her to channel it into and having her practice using a bike is a terrific way to do that. The terrific thing about this bike is that it can be used up to five years old and makes an outstanding transition to pedal bikes later on.

Purchase for $29.95 on Amazon

5. VTech Touch and Learn Activity Desk

If your three-year-old is encouraging to develop in many aspects, the VTech Touch and Learn Activity Desk has a vast array of developmental benefits. The desk has an interactive top that allows your girl to practice letters her numbers, animals, and colors. Vocabulary words are also included by the desk so your child can practice her language skills that are developing. The desk flips up into an easel, where your toddler can explore her creative side and practice those fine motor skills that are oh-so-important. For children up to six years old this desk is intended as an additional bonus, and with lots of content it is guaranteed to keep your child entertained for years to come.

Purchase for $49.99 on Amazon

Want to see highly rated educational toys? See the list of the toys & gifts for 3 year old girls. If you believe there's let us know.

12 Top Math Apps for Kids in 2018

Whether your child A number of excellent apps are more effective than even hours of tutoring, and are currently taking math learning to the next level. Smart Parenting Blog has done the research and picked out 12 of the top math programs for kids of any age. We've got a preview of the list.

Why is it important you give your kid math apps? Because kids simply aren't they need in class. In fact, at 2017 over 50% of US 4th graders were not proficient in 4th grade math Common Core Standards. Many students struggle to learn higher order concepts and end up falling because they don't develop a strong base.

Jump down to a preview of the math apps list below if you are in a hurry. Have a little time to learn how to incorporate math apps into your child routine. Practicing math can be tiring and challenging for kids. You can easily give them the structure they need to succeed with one simple trick.

How to get your kids practicing math apps daily?

The key to math is practice. But how do you motivate a child to practice math apps every day when all they need to do is play with Sonic?

Don't worry. It's easy. As a parent, you may actually create a structure of positive reinforcement that motivates your child to develop at their fastest pace, rather than compels them to work against their will.

The key is to turn any developmental activity to a game by implementing a point system. Here's how:

  1. Tell your child they'll begin earning points for doing good things. You will buy them a video game or toy of their choice when they reach 100 points. Ask them what prize they would like? They'll be so excited to pick something out!
  2. Get a little whiteboard and write the child's name, current score, and the prize they want when they reach 100.
  3. Reward your child for doing positive actions like reading, cleaning, being kind, and of course practicing math with points. Have them update their particular score on the whiteboard as they make points.
  4. Pick a math program from the list below based on your child's age and abilities. Set an suitable daily landmarks within each app (such as 10 medals earned, or 5 challenges completed, etc...). Award your kid 5 points for completing their everyday math milestone towards their prize.
Implementing a point system turns learning into a game rather than a chore.

In mind with that tip that is crucial, have a look at the math programs in 2018 to try with your kids. If your child does not like one, try another until you have something which sticks. It's worth the effort.

Best Math Apps for Kids in 2018 Preview

1. ABCmouse

Age range: 5-7 (Kindergarten to 2nd grade) You have probably heard of the program, and with good reason: not only is it one of the most popular early learning platforms available, it is also one of the most successful. With over 850 lessons over 10 learning levels up to age 8, there's definitely a reason for your child.

Why is ABCmouse so effective for so many children is its incremental-style learning strategy. Each lesson builds on the previous ones, so your child is able to acquire new skills without even realizing it!

ABCmouse is encouraged on any device you might have, so that your child can learn at home, in school, or on the move. The downside of convenience and knowledge? When most programs have a fee, ABCmouse costs about $10/month for the basic package.

Download ABC Mouse

2. Math Ace

Age range: 6-8 (1st to 3rd grade)

Math Ace has programs for 2nd, 1st, and 3rd grade math. Each one is a math workbook disguised as a game that is gorgeous. Common Core math standards are broken down into challenges. The challenges are like worksheets 2.0 -- they adapt to your child's skills and mistakes in real time.

The program's easy user interface (UI) makes it very easy to jump to any particular skill your child may need help with. For instance, if you realize that your child is making mistakes multiplying 7 times 3, have them complete the"Multiplying 7's" challenge.

Math Ace is a nice balance of math practice and gameplay. There's a fun jetpack mini-game make the practice a little more fun and to inspire players. The jetpack isn't very strong when you play and you'll only have the ability to fly for a few seconds. Players have to make medals by mastering math skills so as to upgrade their jetpack and fly into orbit.

We have found with our own children that earning 10 medals is a excellent daily practice requirement. Reward your child for earning 10 medals daily with 5 points towards a prize (See implement a point system above).

Math Ace is free for one week, and $19.99 per quarter (3 months) after that. A nice bonus is that your"Ace Pass" subscription also unlocks other high quality Ace Apps like Spelling Ace.

Download Math Ace

3. Monster Math

Age range: 5-10 (Kindergarten to 4th Grade)

This app has a somewhat comprehensive repertoire of problems to solve, but it makes up for this with a highly immersive gameplay. 23 characters guide your child through four worlds full of zany creatures to defeat. As your child continues vanquishing monsters, the problem increases, all of the way up to components on primes, factors, and multiples, and fraction arithmetic.

This program hones in on what your child might be struggling with, and refocuses the questions to help them understand In addition to aligning with Common Core Standards for grade levels. Skill-specific analyses are available for the parent, too, so you can ensure they're moving in the right direction.

Think about a prize if you are looking to reward your hard worker. Or, maybe something bigger after they work their way through the entire game!

Download Monster Math

4. SmartKids

SmartKids offers an impressive choice of mini-games to educate a wide range of topics. Kids go crazy for this app. While SmartKids is a great overall platform, the speed of the mini-games means that pupils answer a few math problems per minute of app usage. In 10 minutes of play, students might just answer between 20 and 30 math problems. In Math Ace, on average, students will answer for example 100 to 200 in 10 minutes of play. The program makes it hard to comprehensively track progress on Common Core standards. Nevertheless enjoyment and the quality of this mini-games makes it a great selection for many families.

Download SmartKids

5. Math versus Zombies

Age range: 5-11 (Kindergarten to 4th grade)

This game allows your student to be by solving math problems of increasing difficulty zombies will be turned back into humans! The gameplay is addictive, and the further questions your child answers, the more they'll want to play.

Math vs Zombies is aligned with Common Core State Standards for kindergarten and offers a fun way for students to learn math facts, such as much more , basic arithmetic, and numerical relationships. An interactive report card enables teachers and parents to identify problem areas the student may need more work on.

Download Math versus Zombies

If you've enjoyed this preview, check out the entire list of the 12 best math apps for kids in 2018. We're sure your child will benefit from any number of those apps.

10 Greatest Toys & Gifts for 4 Year Old Girls in 2018 -- Educational & Fun

Are you searching for the perfect gift for a girl? It can be tough to know precisely what gifts and toys are right for her. We know you want to give her something that's not fairly affordable, and just enjoyable, but also great for her development. Fortunately, Smart Parenting Blog has completed the research and collected the 10 best toys for 4 year old women which are both educational and enjoyable. They've given us a preview of the list below.

Scroll down to the list preview, if you are short on time. Otherwise, read on to learn that factored into the Smart Parenting ranks.

4-Year-Old Developmental Milestones

Welcome to the year of "why?" It could help you stockpile patience to understand that this is an expected, normal, and important developmental milestone. Her curiosity and shows she's building a vocabulary of over 1,000 words and using complex sentences that combine more than one thought.

At an explosive pace, the language skills of your girl are growing at 4. She will be able to make up goofy words and stories, rhyme, and sing songs. You will probably also notice that she can pronounce most sounds correctly -- but maybe not so much s, w, and r sounds -- follow simple, unrelated directions, and ask you the meaning of unfamiliar words. When she claims with you though her argument is illogical, and try not to laugh at the cuteness! It is an important skill that she's learning and will enable her to question and reason as she grows.

Your 4-year-old girl will today, sometime before her 5th birthday, have the ability to understand abstract ideas such as bigger, less, later, past , and shortly and understand the difference between real and make believe. She is able to think in logical steps, focus on a task for 10 to 15 minutes at a time, and see the consequences of an action.

And those gross motor skills that she's working on? She even skip, jump over objects and climb playground ladders, pedal and steer a tricycle or bike, do somersaults and log rolls, and can still throw and bounce a ball and trot while 4-year-old boys may pull ahead in this area. With a little encouragement and opportunity -- even though she enjoys puzzles or pretending or painting -- she could soon break even with these boys, and even outdo them!

The year's part will watch her hit on her social and emotional milestones. Be aware that she'll start telling lies that are small to get out of trouble, although she knows it is wrong, and do or say things she should see what your response will be. And grab a Kleenex as you'll want it if she cooperates shares, tries to be helpful, and takes turns with others when she plays the exact games over and over and finds an imaginary friend. Most importantly, enjoy your many belly laughs as she laughs herself silly over things she can currently find funny and tells jokes!

Bear in mind, however, that all children are different. They do it in their own time and in their terms, Though your 4-year-old girl should eventually hit these milestones. They all have different interests and abilities that will manifest at different times. Sit back and relax and enjoy the process knowing that you've given her the best chance by choosing the best toys for happiness and her development at developing in a healthy fashion. Continue reading and choose your favorites to purchase your girl. And do not forget to jump in and join her fun!

Top Educational Toys & Gifts for 4 Year Old Girls Preview

1. Flybar My First Foam Pogo Jumper

Watch as she masters abilities like hand-eye coordination, balance, and strength, and listen as she giggles relentlessly at the squeaking sound the foam makes. What better way to promote a physical lifestyle at the exact same time as allowing your 4 year old endless fun's liberty?

One of the toys of the year, this $17 jumper is a take on the pogo stick you loved if you never did master it. Remember trying to beat your very best count before you fell over? This junior version made with a soft durable foam base, strong stretchy bungee"spring," and soft comfortable foam grip handles is terrific for any surface and will give her the skills and confidence to one day graduate to the big Pogo stick -- or just to keep enjoying physical activity.

Purchase for $16.99 on Amazon

2. Fisher-Price Little People Surprise & Sounds Home

Your girl still loves to mimic what she sees, and now she loves to play pretend since she knows the difference between real and make believe. Now she can play out scenarios -- by herself or with her imaginary friend(s) -- with this $45 fold-up house that includes mom, dad, and daughter characters and interactive additions such as the push-in alarm clock which pops the girl out of bed as it rings and the bluebird you slip to find the kitty pop up in the window on one side -- and what the weather's like on the other! 4 songs, fun phrases, and all the lights will hold her attention for hours.

Younger kids love this 5-star toy too, and so do older children -- even mom, dad, grandma, and grandpa! Nobody ever gets tired of the alarm clock that pushes on the characters out of bed or the flushing toilet!

Buy for $34.99 on Amazon

3. Fisher-Price Barbie Tough Trike

The age of 4 is the perfect age for her to enjoy learning to ride a bike like this. Your 4-year-old girl will thrill at the freedom and speed as she rides this up and down the sidewalk or driveway she discovers while older kids begin to ride bikes that are bigger and lose their mastery of the different ability it takes to ride like this!

Now she can enhance as you breathe easy knowing you just spent $30, those pedalling and steering abilities plus her physical activity level!

Purchase for $29.99 on Amazon

4. Squigz by Fat Brain Toys

Simple name, idea that is simple! She will be fascinated by this attractive set of suction-cup balls ! Squigz can help her develop her creativity, fine motor skills, interaction, and lively experimentation everywhere: a table, floor, tub, wall, window, anywhere that has a flat surface. And these suckers (literally!) Gravity while leaving no trace that they were there. She can make any form or animal she can think up, and when she is done, she'll laugh and laugh in the pop! Sound they make as she takes them apart. At $28 for the starter set, you may find yourself losing some time creating too!

Purchase for $24.95 on Amazon

5. Melissa & Doug Sweet Hearts and Butterfly Friends Bead Set of 2 -- 250+ Wooden Beads

You'll definitely be getting great bang for your buck with this $18 toy that will encourage her stringing, patterning, and designing skills, develop her fine motor skills, cognitive skills, and social abilities. Stringing beads needs a pincer grasp, which she will have to learn before moving on to being able to achieve the tripod grip she will be growing so that she can learn how to write using a pen and crayon that is thinner.

The 250 beads and 5 strings are just the right size for her hands and can make combinations of necklaces that she will like to proudly display. And when she tires of the kit, Doug & Melissa have string bead sets, big and little!

Buy for $17.19 on Amazon

If you enjoyed the trailer and want to see more, check out the full collection of the best toys for 4 year old girls on the Smart Parenting Blog. Please let us know, if you believe any toys that are excellent were overlooked.

12 Amazing Math Apps for Kids in 2018

Whether your child A number of excellent programs therefore are more effective than even hours of private tutoring, and are currently taking math instruction to another level. Smart Parenting Blog has done the research and picked out 12 of the top math programs for kids of any age. We've got a preview of the listing.

Why is it important you give your kid math apps? Because kids aren't getting the practice they need in class. In actuality, in 2017 over 50 percent of US 4th graders were not proficient in 4th grade math Common Core Standards. Many students struggle to learn higher order concepts and end up falling Since they don't develop a solid foundation.

Jump down to a preview of the math programs list below, if you're in a hurry. Have a little time to learn how to integrate math apps. Practicing math can be tiring and challenging for children. You can easily give them the structure they need to succeed with one simple trick.

How to get your kids practicing math apps every day?

The trick to math is practice. But how do you motivate a child to practice math apps every day when is play Sonic?

Don't worry. It's easy. As a parent, you can actually create a structure of positive reinforcement that motivates your child to grow at their fastest pace, rather than.

The important thing is to turn any developmental activity into a game by implementing a point system. Here's how:

  1. Tell your child they'll begin earning points for doing great things. You'll buy them a video game or toy of their choice when they reach 100 points. Ask them what prize they would like? They will be so excited to choose out something!
  2. Get a small whiteboard and write the child's name, current score, and the prize they need when they reach 100.
  3. Reward your child for doing positive activities like cleaning, reading, being kind, and of course practicing math with points. Have them update their particular score as they make points.
  4. Pick a math program from the list below according to your child's age and abilities. Set an suitable daily milestones within each program (such as 10 medals earned, or 5 challenges finished, etc...). Award your child 5 points towards their prize for completing their everyday math milestone.
Implementing a point system turns learning into a game rather than a chore.

In mind, have a look at the best math programs in 2018 to try with your kids. If your child doesn't like you, try another until you have something that sticks. It's worth the effort.

Best Math Apps for Kids in 2018 Preview

1. ABCmouse

Age range: 5-7 (Kindergarten to 2nd grade) You've probably heard of the app, and with good reason: not only is it one of the most popular early learning platforms available, it's also one of the most successful. With more than 850 lessons over 10 learning levels up to age 8, there's definitely a reason for your child.

Why is ABCmouse so effective for children is its learning strategy. Each lesson builds on the previous ones, so that your child is able to acquire new skills!

ABCmouse is encouraged so your child can learn at home, in school, or on the go. The drawback of convenience and knowledge? ABCmouse costs about $10/month for the package while most programs have a fee.

Download ABC Mouse

2. Math Ace

Age range: 6-8 (1st to 3rd grade)

Math Ace has apps for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade mathematics. Each one is a complete math workbook disguised as a gorgeous game. Common Core math standards are broken down into challenges. The challenges are like worksheets 2.0 -- they adapt to your child's skills and mistakes in real time.

The app's easy user interface (UI) makes it very easy to jump to any particular skill your child may need help with. By way of instance, if you realize that your child is making mistakes multiplying 7 days 3, have them complete the"Multiplying 7's" challenge.

Math Ace is a balance of math practice and gameplay. There's a fun jetpack mini-game make the practice a little more fun and to motivate players. The jetpack is not very strong when you first play and you'll only be able to fly for a few seconds. Players have to earn medals by mastering math skills in order to upgrade their jetpack and fly into orbit.

We've found with our own kids that earning 10 medals is a excellent daily practice requirement. Reward your child for earning 10 medals every day with 5 points towards a prize (See implement a point system above).

Math Ace is free for a week, and $19.99 per quarter (3 months) after that. A nice bonus is that your"Ace Pass" subscription also unlocks other high quality Ace Apps like Spelling Ace.

Download Math Ace

3. Monster Math

Age range: 5-10 (Kindergarten to 4th Grade)

This app has a repertoire of issues but it makes up for this with a gameplay. 23 characters guide your child through four different worlds full of creatures to defeat. As your child continues vanquishing monsters, the problem increases, all of the way up to fraction arithmetic, and units on primes, factors, and multiples.

This app hones in on what your child might be fighting with, and refocuses the questions to help them understand, In addition to aligning with Common Core Standards for elementary grade levels. Skill-specific analyses are available for the parent so you can be certain they're moving in the right direction.

Think about a little prize, if you're looking to reward your hard worker. Or something bigger after they work their way!

Download Monster Math

4. SmartKids

SmartKids offers an impressive choice of mini-games to educate a broad assortment of topics. Kids go crazy for this program. While SmartKids is a great general e-learning platform, this mini-games' pace means that pupils only answer a couple of math problems per minute of app usage. In 10 minutes of play, students may answer 30 and between 20 math problems. For example, in Math Ace, students will answer 100 to 200 in 10 minutes of play. The app makes it hard to track progress on Core standards. However fun and the quality of the mini-games makes it a great selection for many families.

Download SmartKids

5. Math versus Zombies

Age range: 5-11 (Kindergarten to 4th grade)

This game allows your learner to be the hero the zombies did not know they needed: more zombies will be turned back into people by solving mathematics problems of increasing difficulty! The gameplay is quite addictive, and the further questions your child answers, the more they will want to play.

Math vs Zombies including is aligned with Common Core Condition Standards for kindergarten through fourth grade, and offers a fun way for students to learn math facts much more , basic arithmetic, and numerical relationships. An interactive report card allows parents and teachers to determine problem areas the student may need on more work.

Download Math versus Zombies

If you've enjoyed this preview, check out the full list of the 12 top math apps for kids in 2018. We're sure your child will benefit from any number of those programs.

10 Amazing Educational Gifts for 13-Year-Old Boys in 2018

Are you currently looking for the ideal gift for the 13 year old boy in your life? Look no further. Smart Parenting has done the research and curated the 10 best toys for 13 year old boys that aren't only fun but also developmentally stimulating and beneficial for all those wild adolescent minds. We've got a preview of the complete list below.

If you're short on time, jump into the full best toys for 13 year old boys list. Otherwise, take a few minutes to learn that you may expect at this age that factored into the rankings.

13 Year Old Developmental Milestones

Your 13 year old is experiencing a great deal of changes. He's in school, and his body and mind are going through quite a growth spurt. If your son is a late bloomer, physically so don't be concerned. That said, many will be in the throes of puberty, so growth in weight and height is common.

Since 13 year olds grow coordination and agility frequently play catch up to strength and speed. At age 13, cognitive growth, which is a significant fact for parents to bear in mind is often outpaced by physical growth. As with every age, getting enough physical activity is a.

Many cognitive developments will be experienced by your 13 year old. In middle school, kids have a tendency to readily soak up information and also dive into topics in far more depth than previously. Age 13 is a time for children to become more informed on current events, and worry about their world and how they might be impacted by those things. 13 year olds tend to question information rather than accept everything they're told, and gain a worldview. In general, a 13 year old will be flexible in his approach to issues, and learn to change strategies as needed. This is the age.

Language abilities really take off. Most 13 year olds become much more complicated with their language use than they were 1 or 2 years ago. They use metaphors in everyday speech, humor, and sarcasm, and love to participate in discussions--and, to a lot of parents' chagrin, disagreements! --just for fun. 13 year olds are far more adept at picking up on nonverbal cues, when communicating with other people.

You can expect big changes in the social and emotional growth of your teen. 13 year olds often branch out into a particular interest or hobby, and"try on" different personas in their effort to figure out who they are and how they fit in. It's common for 13 years to begin valuing their friends' opinions more than yours, as peer relationships become very important in middle school. Their developing values will occasionally come into conflict with peer pressure. 13 year olds tend to believe that everyone is looking at them, and may get very wrapped up in people's opinions, so it's no wonder that this is a time of self-doubt and assurance.

10 Best Toys for 13 Year Old Boys

1. Pandemic

Pandemic is an board game where players strategize to find cures for 4 fatal diseases before all of mankind is decimated and work together. This is a game that needs the kind of cause and effect logic that 13 years olds are studying, and compels them use and to prioritize their newfound thinking skills that are adaptive. A terrific way to spend some time with peers is also provided by pandemic.

Purchase for $35.99 on Amazon

2. The Manual to Manhood

In The Manual into Manhood, author Jonathan Catherman provides from planning to changing a tire to tying a tie, a date. Since 13 year olds hit and start experiencing more self-doubt and concern with how they are perceived by others, this book offers a excellent way to instill confidence and ensure that your son is adequately prepared for just about any situation.

Buy for $10.34 on Amazon

3. Apple iPod Touch

What gift list for a 13 year old would be complete these days without an iPod? This Apple iPod Touch contains 32 Gb of storage, is available in colors, and comes with accessories such as Apple earbuds, a stylus, and a charger. Teens may use iPods and music to stay in contact with friends, play, and research any and all interests. Truly, this iPod will give your boy the gift of instantaneous access to the world's information.

The Apple iPod Touch gives parents with Apple products a way to keep an eye on the whereabouts of the teen, and communicate with them when they're on the go so long as there's wifi around.

Buy for $234.99 on Amazon

4. Guitar for Dummies Acoustic Guitar Starter Pack

13 is an age where kids want to distinguish themselves with a special talent or hobby, and in which they have the attention span and attention to really dive, as we said. This guitar starter package is a great way for the 13 year old work on coordination, build self-confidence, to learn a skill, and hone his attention. Plus, both potential dates and their peers can impress . Purchase for $92.99 on Amazon

5. Quest Super Cruiser Longboard Skateboard

Skateboards have been a staple for boys for decades and this Quest Super Cruiser Longboard Skateboard is sure to please. The Quest Super Cruiser is a 44 inch longboard with a maple and bamboo deck, comes in different colors and patterns, and was created in Southern California, the skateboarding motherland. Your 13 year old to hang out with friends, all while getting that ever-important physical activity and working on agility and coordination is provided by this skateboard. Just be sure to get a helmet and pads.

Purchase for $64.27 on Amazon

If you enjoyed this preview, check out the full list of the best toys for 13 year old boys on the Smart Parenting Blog.

10 Greatest Toys & Gifts for 2 Year Old Girls

Are you looking for a excellent gift for a toddler in your life that would have her light up with joy, but also be great for her development? You are in luck. Smart Parenting Blog has done the hard work and researched the 10 best educational toys for 2 year old girls which aren't only super fun, but also developmentally beneficial. We have a preview of the list. But first, take a moment to learn about the milestones 2 year old are expected to achieve that factored into their ranks.

2 Year Old Developmental Milestones

With so many new landmarks on the horizon for your 2 year old woman, it is a excellent idea to use gift giving occasions as opportunities to provide developmentally appropriate toys which will help them attain their physical and cognitive development milestones.

Physical milestones can be divided up into fine motor, gross motor and two classes. Your two year old's ever-improving gross motor skills will include; jogging, jumping with both feet, throwing and kicking balls, climbing stairs, as well as balancing on one foot. You'll see your toddler getting independent in selfcare tasks but she will still need your help. She will be able to brush her teeth and hair, and become more effective at eating with utensils. These motor advances can also be viewed in activities like coloring, where she'll have the ability to hold crayons at a writing position rather than with a fist.

As many children will know 200 + words at this 25, you'll find it much easier to communicate old. Additionally, they're now able to follow 2 step directions, which should make it easier to get out the house (in theory). In this year, you might even look forward to conversations becoming much less one-sided. Expect to hear lots of questions like,"What is that?" and "Why?" When you're reading to them or speaking about their tastes that are developing with them.

While producing the 10 best toys for 2 year old women list, we made sure to factor in each of these developmental milestones. Each toy we've chosen is made to be enjoyed by your child while helping her make strides.

Best Toys for 2 Year Old Girls

1. Fisher-Price Barbie Tough Trike

Your toddler's world is getting. So, so that she can explore why not give her a set of wheels? A tricycle is a excellent way to help while having a blast outside her motor skills old enhance. The Fisher-Price Barbie Tough Trike has a sturdy construction and is designed for children between 5 and 2, so she'll be cruising for years to come. Where she can store any treasures she finds along the way we also love the under-the-seat storage compartment.

Purchase for $29.99 on Amazon

2. LeapFrog Shapes and Sharing Picnic Basket

This parent favorite has over 1,500 five-star testimonials and for good reason. The LeapFrog Shapes and Sharing Picnic Basket tics a lot of boxes play, shape sorting, and sharing. It will also be a big hit at playdates, although this fill and spill toy will provide your two year old with hours of solo-entertainment. With two of everything, your toddler will be set to discuss a pretend picnic with a friend.

Purchase for $16.59 on Amazon

3. Touch & Teach Word Book

Help your little one develop a love of learning with the Touch & Teach Word Book. Throughout 12 detailed pages full of fun illustrations your child can press an image to hear the corresponding word for 100 words in groups like food, household items, clothing, toys, and much more. Beyond vocabulary, this interactive book has three modules focused on matching characters, and songs. This Vtech book is perfect for speech development, it's also wonderful for practicing fine motor skills. On top of that, it is travels easily and is ideal for long car rides!

Purchase for $17.99 on Amazon

4.Melissa & Doug Food Groups -- 21 Hand-Painted Wooden Pieces and 4 Crates

Pretend play is essential to toddler development. Your work is helped by the act of pretending to cook chicken for a friend or share an apple through emotions, problem solve, and better understand social cues. Frequent tasks like cooking, that kids see their parents taking part in each day are the foundation of play. That is why we love the flexibility of Doug Melissa & food groups. With 21 food items ranging from fish your child will have the ability to work sorting, learning the fundamentals of nutrition, all while making meals for family and friends.

Purchase for $13.27 on Amazon

5. Mega Bloks Big Building Bag

No playroom is without building blocks complete. If you're looking for the perfect set, we're big fans of this Mega Bloks Building Luggage. Mega Bloks are colorful and large so they're appealing and easy for small hands to work with. In our experience, they will enjoy knocking them down even more, although your junior architect will love building tunnels and towers with you. As a bonus, the reusable tote makes it highly portable and easy to keep organized.

Purchase for $14.92 on Amazon

If you like this list preview, check out the full list of the best educational toys for 2 year old girls on the Smart Parenting Blog. Please tell us, When you have any feedback on the list.